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Principles & Strategy

Principles & Strategy


To our Customers

" respect and understand our customers’ requirements with honesty and thought...."" build long term relationships with our customers and partners...."
" deliver our services competently and at the highest quality ...."

To our Associates

" build our associates within the company and strive to give them direction and satisfaction at work...."" allow our associates there say in the business and to play an active part in its development...."" provide a varied work environment thus stimulating our associates’ development...."

To our Company

" grow the company through its staff and desire to outperform its competitors...."" build our company into its desired position within our business sectors...."
" build on our achievements and reputation for delivering our services...."

Our Strategic Direction until 2020 is to:

” increase our size and work base by selecting only those projects that we can complete successfully using our guiding move our services into sectors in which they can be transferred easily and select new services for our existing work with our partners to form key relationships and develop businesses continue to be a profitable company in which our stakeholders find interest and desire to be apart enhance our test facilities and gain accreditation for their maintain our quality system and improve our perception within the marketplace....”